One-Year Exchange Programme | Department of Japanese Studies, CUHK Menu

One-Year Exchange Programme

All major students are required to go to Japan for a one-year exchange except students admitted through senior-year places.

List of exchange partners:

1. Gakushuin University 學習院大學
2. Hiroshima University 廣島大學
3. Hokkaido University 北海道大學
4. Kansai Gaidai University 關西外國語大學
5. Kobe University 神户大學
6. Kwansei Gakuin University 關西學院大學
7. Kyorin University 杏林大學
8. Kyushu University 九州大學
9. Nagoya University 名古屋大學
10. Nagoya University of Commerce & Business (NUCB) 名古屋商科大學
11. Osaka International University 大阪國際大學
12. Rikkyo University 立教大學
13. Sophia University 上智大學
14. Tokyo Gakugei University 東京學藝大學
15. Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS) 東京外國語大學
16. University of Tokyo東京大學
17. Waseda University 早稻田大學

Please Note:

This information is provided for your reference only. Updates to the website may not reflect the most current information. The most up-to-date details depend on departmental updates.
