“International Conference on Nishida Kitaro: Celebrating the launch of a new book series on Japanese Philosophy” will be held in CUHK. All are welcome.
Date: 3-4 May 2015
Venue: Rm 401, Leung Kau Kui Building, Chinese University of Hong Kong
3 MAY 2015 (Sunday)
15:00-15:15 Opening speech by Lynne Nakano (CUHK)
15:15-16:00 “Introducing Tetsugaku Companions to Japanese Philosophy” by Cheung Ching-yuen (CUHK)
16:30-18:00 Special lecture “How to Do Non-Western Philosophy in the Western Philosophical Context?” by Huang Yong (CUHK)
4 MAY 2015 (Monday)
10:00-12:00 Session 1 Moderator: Dennitza Gabrakova (City University of Hong Kong)
Liao Chin-ping (Sun Yat Sen University): 西田哲学とその国家観の現代的意義
Matsumaru Hisao (Dokkyo University): 西田とライプニッツ
14:00-16:00 Session 2 Moderator: Wong Yiu Hong (CUHK)
Enrico Fongaro (Tohoku University): “The Hakuin’s ‘guest’: Platonism and Ghosts in the first works of Nishida Kitaro”
Kevin Lam Wing-keung (University of Tokyo): Nishida Kitaro and virtue ethics: with a focus on Zen no Kenkyū
16:15-18:15 Session 3 Moderator: Leung Po-shan (Baptist University of Hong Kong)
Ohashi Ryosuke (University of Tubingen): Philosophic-historical place of Nishida’s thought
Noe Keiichi (Tohoku University): Nishida Kitaro and the Philosophy of Life