
全球化, 日本境外當代文化, 中日文化交流,
日本僑民社區, 數位平台和線上工作, 擴增實境技術在學習和教學中的應用
- 線上視頻共享平台中的文字圖像一致性
- 線上輔導中的數位化勞動與演算法控制
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4449-1935
Academia.edu: https://cuhk.academia.edu/ReijiroAoyama
Email: reicuhk2022@gmail.com
Li, C. S. D., Aoyama, R. & Wong, T.S., eds. (2022). Brush Conversation in the Sinographic Cosmopolis: Interactional Cross-border Communication Using Literary Sinitic in Early Modern East Asia. Routledge: London, 360 pages. ISBN 9780367499402.
Aoyama, R., Akashi, T. & Li, C. S. D., eds. (2020). Japanese as a Lingua Franca: Rethinking Japanese Language Education for Multilingual and Multicultural Contexts (リンガフランカとしての日本語―多言語・多文化共生のために日本語教育を再考する―). Tokyo: Akashi Shoten, 208 pages. ISBN 9784750350516.
Aoyama, R. (2019). East Asian Transnational Identity: An Anthropological Study of Contemporary Japanese Migrant Communities in Urban China (东亚跨国自我认同:当代在华日本人社会的人类学研究). Shanghai: Fudan University Press, 295 pages. ISBN 9787309142303.
Aoyama, R. (2017). Japanese Service Professionals in Global Asian Cities: An Anthropological Examination of Work and Craftsmanship (世界に広がる日本の職人―アジアでうけるサービス―). Tokyo: Chikuma Shobo, 248 pages. ISBN 9784480069832.
Aoyama, R., & Ng, R. (2022). Artificial flavors: Nostalgia and the shifting landscapes of production in Sino-Japanese animation. Cultural Studies. ISSN 0950-2386.
Aoyama, R. (2022). Sociocultural functions of Chinese characters and writing: Transnational brush-talk encounters in mid-nineteenth and early twentieth century East Asia. In Li, C. S. D., Aoyama, R. & Wong, T.S., eds., Brush Conversation in the Sinographic Cosmopolis: Interactional Cross-border Communication Using Literary Sinitic in Early Modern East Asia, pp. 283-308. Routledge: London. ISBN 9780367499402.
Kojima, G., Aoyama, R., & Tanabe, M. (2022). Associations Between Social Isolation and Physical Frailty in Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. ISSN 1525-8610.
Aoyama, R. (2021). Writing-mediated interaction face-to-face: Sinitic brushtalk in the Japanese missions’ transnational encounters with foreigners during the mid-nineteenth century. China and Asia, 2(2), pp. 234-269. ISSN 2589-4641.
Kojima, G., Aoyama, R., & Taniguchi, Y. (2020). Associations between pet ownership and frailty: A systematic review. Geriatrics, 5(4), pp. 1-9. ISSN 2308-3417.
Aoyama, R. (2020). Evaluation of emotional labor in Japanese service industry: Management by customers, gender role expectations and omotenashi (日本のサービス産業における感情労働の評価 -顧客による管理、ジェンダー役割期待、おもてなし-). Nihon Gakkan, 23, pp. 83-94. Hong Kong: Society of Japanese Language Education. ISSN 1727-7183.
Li, C. S. D., Aoyama, R. & Wong, T.S. (2020). Silent conversation through brushtalk (筆談): The use of Sinitic as a scripta franca in early modern East Asia. Global Chinese, 6(1), pp. 1-24. ISSN 2199-4382.
Aoyama, R. (2019). Kanji literacy, writing technology and immigration in Japan: Balancing the growing diversity of language demands and written text production in a digital media environment (常用漢字、筆記技術、移住者: デジタルメディア環境における書き言葉と日本語使用者の多様性のバランスを探る). Nihon Gakkan, 22, pp. 80-93. Hong Kong: Society of Japanese Language Education. ISSN 1727-7183.
Aoyama, R. (2018). Augmented Reality interactions for active learning in English: Bridging the gap between students’ mother tongue and language of instruction (拡張現実(AR)を活用した英語での学習―学習者の日常を拡げ母語と指導言語の溝を埋める―). In Sato, S. & Murata, A., eds., Language Education of the Past, Present and Future from the Sociological and Anthropological Perspectives (人類学社会学的視点からみた過去、現在、未来のことばの教育), pp. 211-245. Tokyo: Sangensha. ISBN 9784883034727.
Aoyama, R. (2018). The Japanese community as partners in active learning: Using Augmented Reality to connect Japanese language learners and speakers (日本語コミュニティを学習者のパートナーとする ―拡張現実(AR)を使い日本語学習者と話者を結びつける). Nihon Gakkan, 21, pp. 152-170. Hong Kong: Society of Japanese Language Education. ISSN 1727-7183.
Aoyama, R. (2017). The diverse trajectories of Japanese food in Hong Kong: Memories, authenticity and transformations (香港における日本食の軌跡ー記憶、正統性、変容). Nihon Gakkan, 20, pp. 134-145. Hong Kong: Society of Japanese Language Education. ISSN 1727-7183.
Aoyama, R. (2016). Global journeymen: Re-inventing Japanese craftsman spirit in Hong Kong. Asian Anthropology, 14(3), pp. 265-282. ISSN 2168-4227.
Aoyama, R. (2016). Nostalgic migration: Factors behind recent Japanese migration to Shanghai. In Nagy, S. R., ed., Japan’s Demographic Revival—Rethinking Migration, Identity and Sociocultural Norms, pp. 179-217. Singapore: World Scientific Press. ISBN: 9789814678872.
Aoyama, R. (2016). Japanese men and their quest for well-being outside Japan. Asian Anthropology, 14(3), pp. 215-219. ISSN 2168-4227.