Deputy Chair, Associate Professor
Educational Background
Ph.D in Linguistics (University of Tsukuba, Japan, 2003)
Master in Linguistics (University of Tsukuba, Japan, 2000)
Bachelor of Arts with Honours, First Class
(The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1995)
Email :
Courses Offered
JASP 1120/UGEC 1281 | |
JASP 3700 | Japanese Language and Society |
JASP 4710 | Japanese Linguistics |
JASP 4720 | Error Analysis of Hong Kong Japanese Learners |
JASP 4601/4602 | Field-Research Based Project I and II |
JASP 5051 | Special Topics in Cross Linguistic Research |
JASP 5052 | Special Topics in Linguistic Research and Japanese Language |
Research Interests
Japanese Linguistics and Japanese Language Education
Research on the acquisition of Japanese compound verbs by Hong Kong-based Japanese language learners
Intercultural Communication
1.Research on the differences in communication strategies between Japanese and Hong Kong people
2.Research on the cultural differences between Japanese and Hong Kong people through the language perspective
Research Projects
Name of Grant: General Research Fund for 2011/2012
Granting Agency: Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Project Title: The Usage of Japanese Compound Verbs
Period: 2012-2014
Name of Grant: The Sumitomo Foundation Fiscal 2008 Grant for Japan-Related Research Projects
Granting Agency: The Sumitomo Foundation, Japan
Project Title: Study on the Intercultural Conflict and Adaptation in Hong Kong Japanese Companies
Period: 2009-2010
Name of Grant: Direct Grant for Research (CUHK) 2006-07
Granting Agency: The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Project Title: Investigation of the Differences in Communication Strategies between Japanese and Hong Kong People by Studying Chinese University of Hong Kong Students
Period: 2007-2008
1.Faculty of Arts Outstanding Teaching Award 2017, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
2.Excellence in Teaching Award 2016 (non-language courses), Department of Japanese Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
3.Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education 2014, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
4.Excellence in Teaching Award 2003-2004, Department of Japanese Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
5.Enthusiasm in Teaching Award 2003-2004, Department of Japanese Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Selected Publications
Books Authored
日本文化60詞 1 ed. 237 pgs. Hong Kong SAR: Infolink Publishing Limited, 2014.11.
1.Radio interview (RTHK)
訪何志明談 《日本文化60詞》(上) – 2014年12月20日(星期六)
(訪問時間:5分27秒 - 14分46秒及18分23秒 - 27分00秒)
訪何志明談 《日本文化60詞》(下) – 2014年12月27日(星期六)
(訪問時間:4分34秒 - 12分36秒及16分35秒 - 26分53秒)
2. Book Review by “Hong Kong Economic Journal” 《信報》, 22nd December 2014 (Monday)
從日語看日本文化 2 ed. 224 pgs. Hong Kong SAR: The Chinese University Press, 2010.06.
In Japanese:
現代日本語における複合動詞の組み合わせ-日本語教育の観点から-. 1 ed. 242 pgs. Tokyo, Japan: 笠間書院, 2010.02.15.
Refereed journal paper in Japanese
何志明. “日本語複合動詞のコロケーションに―大規模コーパスの調査結果を通して―”. 日本語學研究 vol.44 pp.167-181. South Korea: 韓國日本語學會, 2015.06.20.
何志明. “日本語複合動詞の使用実態調査―日本語母語話者の意識調査(予備調査)を中心に―”. 日本言語文藝研究 vol.15 pp.84-106. Taiwan: 台灣日本語言文藝研究學會, 2015.03.31.
何志明. “日本語複合動詞の使用実態調査-週刊誌に現れる複合動詞を中心に-”. 日本言語文藝研究 vol.13 pp.167-188. Taiwan: 台灣日本語言文藝研究學會, 2013.2.28.
何志明. “香港の日系企業における異文化コミュニケーションの問題―香港人社員に対する調査から―”. 日本學刊 vol.15. pp.66-79. Hong Kong SAR: 香港日本語教育研究會, 2012.06.
何志明. “『現代日本語書き言葉均衡コーパス』及び中上級日本語教科書における複合動詞の出現頻度”.日本語/日本語教育研究 vol. 3. pp.261-276. Tokyo, Japan: 日本語/日本語教育研究會,2012.05.20.
何志明. “香港の日系企業における異文化コミュニケーションの問題-日本人社員に対する調査から-”. 日本言語文藝研究 vol.11 pp.232-256. Taiwan: 台灣日本語言文藝研究學會, 2010.12.30.
何志明. “香港の上級日本語学習者による日本語複合動詞の習得に関する調査“. 東洋文化研究 vol.12 pp.491-510. Tokyo, Japan: 學習院大學東洋文化研究所, 2010.03.31.
何志明・上田早苗. “香港における上級日本語学習者の複合動詞使用調査―作文に見る母語の影響と動詞選択の関係をめぐって”.日本言語文藝研究 vol.10 pp.35-51. Taiwan: 台灣日本語言文藝研究學會, 2009.12.30.
何志明. “香港の日本語学習者の複合動詞習得の現状”. 北研學刊 vol.5 pp.105-115. Beijing, China: 廣島大學北京研究中心, 2009.02.
何志明. “日本人と香港人のコミュニケーションにおける問題-日港留学生のインタビュー結果を中心に-”. 留學生教育 vol.13 pp.73-81. Tokyo, Japan: 留學生教育學會, 2008.12.20.
何志明. “日本語の語彙的複合動詞における『手段』の複合動詞の組み合わせ”. 日本語教育 no.115, pp.11-20. Tokyo, Japan: 日本語教育學會, 2002.
Refereed journal paper in English
HO Chi Ming. “The Intercultural Communication Problems of Japanese Overseas Students and Hong Kong Students Studied in Japan”. 日本學刊 vol.13 pp.77-92. Hong Kong SAR: 香港日本語教育研究會, 2010.04.
HO Chi Ming. “Current Situation of Japanese Language Education in Hong Kong with a Focus on the New Senior Secondary (NSS) Curriculum”. Bulletin of Institute of Japanese Language Soka University vol.20 pp.85-105. Tokyo, Japan: Institute of Japanese Language Soka University, 2010.03.31
Refereed book chapters in Japanese
何志明・上田早苗. “作文教育における複合動詞の指導”. 日語動詞及相關研究 ed. by Wei ZHANG, Masanori YAMAOKA. 1 ed. pp.247-260. Beijing, China: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2009.12.
何志明. “香港滞在中の日本人留学生及び日本留学歴を持つ香港人大学生のコミュニケーションにおける問題点”. グローバル化社会の日本語教育と日本文化ー日本語教育スタンダードと多文化共生リテラシー ed. by Miho YOROZU & Fuminobu MURAKAMI 1 ed. pp.250-269. Tokyo, Japan: Hituzi Shobou, 2009.07.24.
何志明. “日本語能力試験2級対策コース-合格までの3ヶ月の挑戦-”. Japanese Language Education in the Asia-Pacific Region Book 2 ed. by Takamichi MITO, Chi Ming HO, Yuko Miyazoe WONG. 1 ed. pp.381-388. Hong Kong SAR: Society of Japanese Language Education, Hong Kong, 2008.09.01.
何志明. “日本語の語彙的複合動詞の組み合わせにおける習得上の問題”. Global Networking in Japanese Studies and Japanese Language Education Book 1 ed. by Rita TAKAHASHI, Yuko Miyazoe WONG, Toshiyuki YAMAGUCHI , Maggie LEUNG. 1 ed. pp.41-49. Hong Kong SAR: Division of Language Studies, City University of Hong Kong and Society of Japanese Language Education, Hong Kong, 2005.03.21.