Name of Grant: General Research Fund for 2011/2012
Granting Agency: Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Project Title: The Usage of Japanese Compound Verbs
Period: 2012-2014
Journal Paper(雑誌論文)
HO Chi Ming. “日本語複合動詞のコロケーションに―大規模コーパスの調査結果を通して―”(Studying the Collocation of Japanese Compound Verbs by Investigating Major Corpus). 日本語學研究 (Journal of Japanese Language) vol.44 pp.167-181. South Korea: 韓國日本語學會 (The Japanese Language Association of Korea), 2015.06.20. (ID. No. P156788)
HO Chi Ming. “日本語複合動詞の使用実態調査―日本語母語話者の意識調査(予備調査)を中心に―”. 日本言語文藝研究 (Studies in Japanese Language and Japanese Literature) vol.15 pp.84-106. Taiwan: 台灣日本語言文藝研究學會 (Association of Japanese Language and Japanese Literature Taiwan), 2015.03.31. (ID. No. P150006)
HO Chi Ming. “日本語複合動詞の使用実態調査―週刊誌に現れる複合動詞を中心に―”(A Study on the Practical Use of Japanese Compound Verbs in Weekly Magazines). 日本言語文藝研究 (Studies in Japanese Language and Japanese Literature) vol.13 pp.167-188. Taiwan: 台灣日本語言文藝研究學會 (Association of Japanese Language and Japanese Literature Taiwan), 2013.02.28. (ID. No. P139183)
Conference Proceedings(学会発表)
HO Chi Ming. “日本語複合動詞の使用実態調査―日本語母語話者の意識調査(予備調査)を中心に―”. Paper presented in 台灣日本語言文藝研究學會第14回定例學會, organized by台灣日本語言文藝研究學會、長榮大學應用日語研究所・應用日語學系, p.54-67. Taiwan, 2014.12.06 (ID. No. P145729)
HO Chi Ming. “日本語複合動詞のコロケーションに―大規模コーパスの調査結果を通して―”(Studying the Collocation of Japanese Compound Verbs by Investigating Major Corpus). Paper presented in the 30th General Meeting of Japanese Language Association of Korea, organized by
the Japanese Language Association of Korea (韓國日本語學會), p.61-66. Seoul, KOREA, 2014.09.20 (ID. No. P147580)
HO Chi Ming. “日本語母語話者はどのような複合動詞をよく使用しているか―大規模コーパスと国語教科書の調査結果を通して―”(A Study of Compound Verbs Frequently Used by Native Speakers of Japanese Language through the Survey of Major Corpus and Japanese Language
Textbooks). Paper presented in the Society for Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language 2014 Spring Conference, organized by Society for Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language (日本語教育學會), p.309-314. Tokyo, JAPAN, 2014.05.31 (ID. No. P149834)
HO Chi Ming. “現代日本語複合動詞の使用―大規模コーパスのデータ分析を通して―(A Study of Contemporary Japanese Compound Verbs through an Analysis of Major Language Corpus)”. Paper presented in The AATJ (American Association of Teachers of Japanese) 2013 Annual
Spring Conference, organized by American Association of Teachers of Japanese, p.17. San Diego, California, U.S.A, 2013.03.21 (ID. No. P138788)
HO Chi Ming. “日本語複合動詞の使用実態調査―週刊誌に現れる複合動詞を中心に―”(A Study on the Practical Use of Japanese Compound Verbs in Weekly Magazines). Paper presented in台灣日本語言文藝研究學會第12回定例學會, organized by台灣日本語言文藝研究學會、長榮大學應用日語研究所・應用日語學系, p.75-85. Taiwan, 2012.11. (ID. No. P126089)
Data sets generated in this project(研究データ)
- List of Japanese Compound Verb in BCCWJ and Frequency of Usage(「現代日本語書き言葉均衡コーパス」(BCCWJ)に収録されている日本語複合動詞及び出現頻度)
- List of Japanese Compound Verb in Japanese Language(Kokugo) Textbooks and Frequency of Usage(国語教科書に収録されている日本語複合動詞及び出現頻度)
Completion Report(最終報告書)