大学院生の研究テーマ | 香港中文大学 日本研究学科 Menu




学生 研究題目 指導教員
黃穎 當代中國的文化生產與粉絲消費:在國家與市場之間 中野幸江教授
学生 研究題目 指導教員
趙偉強 數位時代粉絲圈:日本虛擬創作者粉絲的網絡參與 Professor Nana Okura Gagne
姜可依 衝突中的亞細亞主義:李大釗與吉野作造的中日關係觀的比較 Professor Jeremy Yellen
CAIRNS-DORAN, David Alexander Journey to the Clouds: The Practical and Ritual Dimensions of Mountain Use in Japan 中野幸江教授
学生 研究題目 指導教員
譚甜甜 儒式喪祭禮在近世日本的在地化 吳偉明教授
林沛濂 日本戲劇在現代香港的歷史及人類學考察(1980-2019) 吳偉明教授
学生 研究題目 指導教員
蕭浩明 林羅山的神儒融合思想 Prof. Ng Wai Ming
杜紹康 以國際藝術祭作日本邊陲地方創生:瀨戶內國際藝術祭的多點民族誌 Prof. Lynne Nakano
吳擇端 中日抱怨程度調節策略的比較研究 Prof. Ho Chi Ming
学生 研究題目 指導教員
勞俊文 香港日語學習者的條件句學習研究 – 從初階到高階 Prof. Ho Chi Ming
李維儉 《三國演義》 在德川日本的本地化研究 –以《通俗三國志》、《繪本通俗三國志》 及 《風俗三國志》為中心 Prof. Ng Wai Ming
学生 研究題目 指導教員
范瀞云 日本大學的 (Ōendan):尋找應援團紀律、承諾和表現對隊員的意義 Prof. Lynne Nakano
丁依若 曲亭馬琴與中國四大奇書 Prof. Ng Wai Ming
梁明德 國家社會主義在東亞早期發展主義中的作用: 西原龜三的 «經濟立國策» 及其後 Prof. Jeremy Yellen
学生 研究題目 指導教員
林超純 本田成之對中國經學史的研究與貢獻 Prof. Ng Wai Ming
学生 研究題目 指導教員
SKUTLIN, John Michael Japan, Ink(ed): Tattooing as Decorative Body Modification in Japan Prof. Lynne Nakano
LEE, Wilson Wai Shing Learning from the Rising Sun: The Japanese Presence in Hong Kong in the 1970s and 1980s Prof. Ng Wai Ming
WONG, Yee Lam Elim Inheritance and the Transformation of the Cantonese Migrants in Yokohama Chinatown from the 1860s to the Present: A Case Study on Shatenki and the Xie Family Prof. Ng Wai Ming
LEE, Lok Hang Phoebe Lesbian Single Women in Tokyo: Identity, Relationships and Community in a Heteronormative Society Prof. Lynne Nakano
TOMSOVIC, Philip Devin The Emergence of Men’s Magazines in 1960s Japan Prof. Jeremy Yellen
学生 研究題目 指導教員
POON, Ka Tsun Keith Gendered Fantasies and Transcultural Fandoms: Japanese Boys’ Love Subculture in Hong Kong Prof. Lynne Nakano
学生 研究題目 指導教員
SUN Qing A New Generation of Young Female Chinese Migrants in Japan: A Study of their Motivations, Challenges, and Plans Prof. Lynne Nakano
CHI Chung-yen 日本帝國下日本與臺灣之治安法律比較研究:以臺灣人的法律地位為中心 Prof. Ng Wai Ming
TSANG Tsz Wai Japanese Elite Class Mothers in a Globalized World: A Study of Japanese Expatriate Mothers in Hong Kong Prof. Lynne Nakano
YAO Jie Images of Japan in the Ming Pao in the Last Two Decades (1994-2014) Prof. Ng Wai Ming
DING Yiruo 源義經在德川時代的歷史及文藝想像 Prof. Ng Wai Ming
学生 研究題目 指導教員
John M. SKUTLIN Turning Goth in Japan: Subcultural Identity, Ritual, and Self-Expression Prof. Lynne Nakano
譚兆文 Reading Murakami Novels in Hong Kong : The Search for Meaning in an Advanced Capitalist Society Prof. Lynne Nakano
学生 研究題目 指導教員
LIN Chao Chun 岡倉天心的中國文化觀:形成, 內涵及亞洲主義的定位 Prof. Ng Wai MIng
WONG Yee Lam Chinese Education and Changing Cultural Identities among the Overseas Chinese in Modern Japan: A Study of Yokohama Overseas Chinese Women’s Association (YOCWA) in Yokohama Chinatown. Prof. Ng Wai Ming
学生 研究題目 指導教員
CHANG Haixia 中国中上级日语专业学生对于改定常用汉字的习得及认知情况 Prof. Ho Chi Ming
LEE Wai Shing 日治時期香港醫療衛生史的歷史考察: 以香港日報為主要參考 Prof. Ng Wai Ming
学生 研究題目 指導教員
CHENG Connie A Study of Hong Kong Young Adults Going to Japan on Prof. Ng Wai Ming
NG Ka Shing Soka Gakkai in Hong Kong: Localizing a Japanese New Religion in a Chinese Community Prof. Ng Wai Ming
学生 研究題目 指導教員
SUN Lin How Young People Find Meaning through Fandom and Consumer Culture Prof. Lynne Nakano
学生 研究題目 指導教員
WONG Yat Yu Perceptions of “the Other”: Overseas Experiences of Japanese and Chinese University Students Prof. Lynne Nakano
HE Xiao In Pursuit of Beauty, Pleasure, and Freedom: The Meanings of Cosplay for Hong Kong Young People Prof. Lynne Nakano
学生 研究題目 指導教員
IU Yiu Japanese Voice Goes Global and Local: Globalization and Localization of the Japanese Seiju Culture in an Asian Context Prof. Ng Wai Ming
WONG Ching Wa Alana Seeking Alternative Identities: Changing Masculinity among Fashionable Young Men in Hong Kong Prof. Lynne Nakano
学生 研究題目 指導教員
LAM Wing Sze Adventures in Hong Kong: Migration Decisions, Adaptations and Re-adaptations of Japanese Expatriate Wives Prof. Lynne Nakano




修士学生 研究トピック 指導教員
梁寶欣 On Virtuality, Reality, Fandom and Identities: The Role of Gaming in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan as illustrated through Meaning-making in Animal Crossing New Horizons
Professor Nana Okura Gagne
關穎茵 Study of the Dynamic Relationship between China’s People's Diplomacy and Postwar Sino-Japanese Relations - Focusing on Sun Pinghua's Exchange Experience with Japan 中國對日人民外交與中日關係的動態關係研究 - 聚焦於孫平化的對日交流經驗 Professor Jeremy Yellen


博士学生 研究トピック 指導教員
劉翠琁 Homeland Creation: Travel and Japanese Nation-building in Global History, 1890s-1930s
鄉土構築:旅遊與全球史視覺下的日本國家建構 (1890-1930年代)
Professor Jeremy Yellen
梁明德 Method in Madness, Hope in Despair: Planism and the East Asian Social Engineering State - A General Survey, 1906-1960
理智之中現瘋狂,絕望之中見希望:計劃主義與東亞社會工程型國家 —— 總論,1906-1960
Professor Jeremy Yellen
高慧君 Centering Globalization – The Case of Japanese Cooking
梁广 Study of Functions of Apologetic Expressions in Japanese Applying “Pragmatic Maps”
黃震軒 The Role of Yue (Musical) in Tokugawa Confucianism
曹嗣衡 The Dissemination and Influence of Mao Zedong Thought in Japan during the Cultural Revolution
張金金 Envisioning Digital Futures: Technology, Migration, Community, and Lifestyle Changes in Contemporary Japan
吳梓銘 Narrating Elysium: The Japanese Garden and Civilizational Discourse in Modern Japan, 1870s-1940s
Professor Jeremy Yellen
周靄華 The Difficulties of Learning Japanese Modality ((shi) souda and youda) for Hong Kong Japanese Language Learners
張歌 A Contrastive Study between Japanese Compound Case Particles and Chinese Prepositions from the Perspective of Semantic Classification
